How I Lost My Mother – A story of life, care and dying – Leslie Swartz

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Item condition: New

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Retail Price: R340

Reserve Price: R250

SKU: 21191B Category:


Leslie Swartz: How I Lost My Mother – A story of life, care and dying.

How I Lost My Mother is a deeply felt account of the relationship between a mother and son, and an exploration of what care for the dying means in comtemporary society. The book is honest and emotionally complex and is first and foremost a work of the heart, a reflection of what relationships mean and should mean.

Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Auction expired without reaching reserve price

Highest bidder was: Shelby

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
Shelby November 23, 2021 8:35 pm R50.00
Auction started November 16, 2021 3:23 pm


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