Bettamed Care Cream & Spray

Reserve price Not met!

Item condition: New

Auction expired without reaching reserve price

Retail Price: R170

Reserve Price: R100

SKU: 20439L Category:


Recreation Health Products:

Bettamed Care Cream contains a combination of new natural extracts with potent anti-inflammatory benefits.

Bettamed have powered-up this concentrated blend with Shea Butter, Rose and Chamomile Essences, for enhanced skin hydration, barrier function and increased healing.

Bettamed Care Cream is a soothing and healing alternative for reducing inflammation (including itching), associated wtih exzema, rashes, sunburn and insect bites. It also works wonders for shingles, which is a nasty and painful condition.

Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Auction expired without reaching reserve price

Highest bidder was: Karin

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
Karin August 18, 2020 11:04 am R30.00
Auction started August 7, 2020 3:55 pm


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